The company will advance you$ 200 until your salary is paid. 在给你发工资之前,公司会预支给你二百美元。
I promise not to ask for an advance salary from my employer. 我答应在任何情况下不预支上期薪金。
Do you think it would be possible if I got a$ 100 advance in my salary? 您是否能考虑预支给我100块薪水。
He was given an advance of fifty dollars on his salary. 预支了五十元薪金给他。
Can you advance me on my salary? 我的工资可以提前预支吗?
Do not ask for advance salary from your employer. 不可向你的雇主预支工资。
Employment may be terminated by you during probation giving the hotel three day's advance notice in writing or by payment of three day's salary. 若您在试用期内提出终止合同,需给予酒店三天的通知期或以三天的薪金代替。
He asked them to advance him a month's salary. 他请求他们给他预支一个月的薪水。
A team from the University of Wollongong compared people who paid for a year's gym membership in advance to those who signed a contract but paid by fortnightly salary deductions. 伍伦贡大学的一个研究小组对两类健身会员进行了比较,一类是提前支付一年费用的会员,另一类则是办了一年制会员卡但可每两周分期付款的人。
You should have told your mother truthfully that I bought it with an advance on my salary at the factory. 你应当老实对母亲说,这是我预支了厂里的薪水买的。